Unicorn — Contact Us

Get in touch

Interested in getting MoveSafe® into your workplace? Give us a call or contact us using the form below and one of our professionals will be in touch. We work with businesses of all sizes and can tailor a program to your specific needs. We have employees in Vancouver BC, Nanaimo BC, Calgary AB, and Edmonton AB.

Canada Operations

MoveSafe® is our Trade Name company in Canada for the ErgoRisk Management Group Inc. based in Vancouver, BC.

Telephone: +1.800.688.6604
Email: info@movesafe.com

United States Operations

MoveSafe® Inc. is a US subsidiary of the ErgoRisk Management Group Inc.

Our US operation contact information is:
2219 Rimland Drive, Suite 301
Bellingham WA, 98226
Telephone: +1.844.445.1767
Email: info@movesafe.com

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