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MoveSafe® Engage Training

As the cornerstone of an overall MoveSafe® Program, MoveSafe Engage Training includes the following 3 Main Elements:

Participants will learn:

#1 Prepare and Maintain the Body

Participants are educated on the importance of a pre-work warm-up, frequent Interrupt recovery exercises and simple microbreaks in order to both prepare and maintain the body for the demands of the work. Trainees will learn the benefits of the exercises and will be trained on how to safely perform a full set of warm-up and interrupt exercises, designed to offset the physical stresses commonly encountered in the work environment.

#2 Prepare the Work Area and Equipment

Participants will learn how the fit of their tools, equipment and work environment affects their ability to move safely. MoveSafe training specialists will educate participants on optimal body mechanics and teach them ways to troubleshoot their work area and equipment if it doesn’t allow them to get into correct postures and positions to perform the work.

Helping people to understand that they can adapt their environment and equipment, whether it be a chair and computer, or a workbench and tool belt, to reduce physical workload will help them take an active role in ergonomics and injury prevention.

#3 Move Safe

Participants will learn the 'Big 3' movement fundamentals - Stable Base, Hinge at the Hips and Shoulders Anchored. Participants will learn about basic body anatomy and physiology and how good biomechanics can help them reduce stress to the body over time. Participants will have a chance to practice the ‘Big 3’ and will leave the session with a fuller understanding of how every movement matters as well as a renewed motivation to improve their physical function in order to stay healthy and fit throughout their lifetime.

Interested in Movesafe® To Address Your Needs?

If you see our approach as a good fit for your organization’s needs, please reach out to us.

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