These short follow-along exercise videos are great for your team to use for energizing the body once every hour during video conferences, webinars or meetings. As always, quality is important so please ensure you follow the instructions provided in the video to make sure you are using proper technique.
MoveSafe® Movement Break #1
The exercises performed in this video are: Shoulder Rolls, Overhead Reach and Hip Hinges.
MoveSafe® Movement Break #2
The exercises performed in this video are: Neck Stretch, Hip Flexor Stretch and Forearm Stretch.
MoveSafe® Movement Break #3
The exercises performed in this video are: Shoulder Hinges, Anti-Slouch Stretch and Overhead Reach with Side Bend.
MoveSafe® Movement Break #4
The exercises performed in this video are: Shoulder Rolls with Anti-Slouch Stretch and Overhead Reach with Hip Hinges.
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