Interrupt Exercises for Overhead Work and Awkward Shoulder Postures

Interrupt Exercises for Overhead Work and Awkward Shoulder Postures

Electrician reaching up overhead

Using optimal body mechanics is the ideal way to prevent musculoskeletal injuries but situations do exist where good posture may be difficult to attain. Getting stuck in awkward upper body postures, like the ‘chicken wing’ or with your arms overhead for long periods of time can lead to fatigue or breakdown of the muscles in your shoulders. Taking the time to step away from these awkward tasks and performing a few interrupt exercises can help restore and refresh those important muscles. 

Think about it like you are using a tool that is overheating, if you keep using it without letting it cool down, it is going to break down. The same thing can happen in your body and you could find that it stops functioning the way it should. 

This series of three exercises; Shoulder Rolls, Shoulder Hinges and Neck Mobility, are effective at encouraging tissue recovery in the muscles of the upper body that are commonly affected during prolonged overhead work or with awkward shoulder or neck postures.

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