To help ease the transition to working from home, here are some accessories to make laptop workstations as efficient as possible. Each accessory can play a role in helping you maintain the ‘Big 3’ healthy…
To help ease the transition to working from home, here are some accessories to make laptop workstations as efficient as possible. Each accessory can play a role in helping you maintain the ‘Big 3’ healthy…
We have been using a Job Hazard Assessment (JHA) for home offices internally as part of our MoveSafe Health and Safety Program. We realized that many organizations may not have such a policy. The MoveSafe…
What’s Possible With Movesafe’s Workstation Setup Guide? Setting up a home office with existing equipment takes some creativity, but it is possible! Use the Movesafe home office workstation set-up guide to walk through the important…
As you know we believe that injury prevention can be encapsulated into 3 simple ideas: #1 Prepare and Maintain the Body, #2 Prepare the Work Area and Equipment and #3 Moving Safely, with the correct…
To stay healthy, we need to interrupt sustained sitting with movement to give our body what it needs. This interrupt poster is one example of the education material we provide our office clients to encourage…
If we perform everyday, common tasks with ‘Big 3’ principles, we can use our physical tasks to stay strong and healthy. The attached handout is an example of how we highlight healthy posture and movement…
The MoveSafe vehicle set-up guide covers the basic principles of how to adjust your workstation to encourage safe movements and postures. Click the link below to also view one of our Crew Talk Videos on Mobile Equipment Operation.
We have built 4 workstation set-up guides – for home office, traditional seated office, standing office and vehicle. The attached MoveSafe seated workstation set-up guide will cover off the basic principles of how to adjust…